Adam DJ Brett

Integrating Technology in the Classroom

A presentation on integrating technology into the classroom.

Integrating Technology in the Classroom

by Adam DJ Brett & Caleb McWhorter August 16, 2017

Google Apps Presentation slides

Main Points

  • Student Engagement
  • Student Evaluation
  • Student Assessment
  • Graduate Student Resources

Student Engagement - Attendance

Student Engagement

    • Gamification of classroom
  • Google Docs/Blackboard
  • Discussion pages & collaborative note taking Prompts
  • Class hashtag for introverts
  • Flipping the Classroom and Video
  • Youtube/Vimeo/Ensemble Video (SU private)
  • Handouts - question tools

Student Engagement - Flipping the Classroom

Student Evaluation

  • Pedagogy and not Policing/ Plagiarism.
    • Rubrics
    • TurnitIn works with Blackboard and can be used as a stand alone tool as well
  • Google Docs/Blackboard
  • Clickers and the Blackboard app
    • Annotate anything anywhere online and collaboratively

Student Assessment by You

  • Comment cards
  • Written
  • On Blackboard
  • Mid-semester evaluations
  • Write your own questions
  • Create an online pool
  • Office hour progress meeting
  • Orange Success

Student Assessment of You

  • Comment cards
  • Written
  • Tweeted
  • On Blackboard
  • Mid-semester evaluations
  • Write your own questions
  • Create an online pool
  • Office hour progress meeting

Graduate Resources

Graduate Student Resources - STEM Edition

Citation Management Tools


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