Adam DJ Brett

National Association of Baptist Professors of Religion

The National Association of Baptist Professors of Religion is a community of teaching scholars. Most members teach at Baptist-affiliated schools, colleges, and seminaries, but members also hail from a wide range of institutions in the United States, Canada, and abroad, including church-related and state-supported schools.

The National Association of Baptist Professors of Religion (NABPR)

I serve as the Assistant Executive Secretary. My two primary roles are social media coordinator and web administrator.

Social Media Coordinator

Recently I was hired to be the social media manager for NABPR and in this capacity I manage the website, two facebook groups, facebook page, twitter, and other social media platforms. Presently we use social media to reach out to members, live tweet conference keynotes and more. Until recently the website was hosted as a google site, until I moved it over to wordpress to better facilitate updating and maintaining the site while giving it a more modern look. Plus Wordpress allows for easier integration of online payments via paypal and better conforms to google and other search engines best practices.

Web Administrator

Programming languages

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Javascript

Other elements

  • Full responsive website
  • social media manager
  • Jekyll
  • Github
  • BunnyCDN
  • integrated social media
  • google analytics
  • google search console
  • PayPal integration
  • online conference registration

This project is maintained by adamdjbrett| @adjb| | Sitemap | RSS