Adam DJ Brett

Embracing #nocode & creating a website

Let’s learn to build a website using and in order to create excellent #nocode one page portfolios and more. There are lots of wonderful website builders out there but none faster, easier, and more fun than If you don’t believe me I will show you.

Episode 10 of the 🎙 Gladden Podcast

Embracing the #nocode movement and creating an online portfolio




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Sites mentioned on the show:

My Favorite Carrd sites:

Lets Connect on Social Media

Tip Jar

Presentation Outline


  1. Convince everyone that they should have a website
  2. Show and Tell - In 30 minutes I will a. Show everyone how quick and affordable it is to get started hosting their own site b. demonstrate how to this using and
  3. Give everyone discounts
  4. If you need help I’m just a paypal, venmo, cashapp away @adamdjbrett.

    Everyone should have a website

    • Freelancers, hobbits, pastors, professors, and politicians all have a website
    • especially graduate students


    • creates your visual and visible centralized hub that curates your digital identity.
    • it is way easier and more consistent when someone asks what’s your etsy store, venmo, cashapp, social media to say go to:
    • If you have a podcast or live stream and you are making graphics its cleaner and neater to say visit click the youtube button and subscribe etc.

Picking a Domain name

  • Now that I have convinced you to have a website. How should you have a website?
  • There are a couple of different ways
    1. Have your own domain name like me
    2. If you are university affiliated use your institutional hosting like Garmondyu
    3. Have a subdomain on a popular platform like,, etc

Pros and Cons of each approach

  • institutional Hosting:
    • pros:
      • feels authoritative
      • .edu is cool 😎
      • Free
      • cheap
    • Cons:
      • eventually you will change institutions
        • loss of visual identity
        • loss of traffic and incoming links
        • your search engine optimization dies
        • moving platforms is a giant massive pain.
        • If you need help moving platforms pay me, I can help
      • often the URL is quite long and not memorable
    • subdomains
      • Pros:
        • free or lowcost
        • ubiquitious popular wix, weebly, WordPress, Squarespace
      • Cons:
        • covered in advertising
        • long urls
        • can feel not as personal
        • exception hcommons :heart:
    • personal domain name
      • Pros:
        • awesome
        • memorable
        • yours
      • Cons:
  • Virginia Wolff taught us we need a room of one’s own.
  • You need a domain of your own
  • A Domain of One’s Own (DoOO) comes out of a project at the University of Mary Washington in the 2000’s.

Code Levels and types

now that I have hopefully convinced you that you need a domain name lets talk about what type of site do you need:

Code levels

  • High Code.
    • I host my site in Jekyll because I like to tweak all the things. I’m working on moving to Eleventy where thus far the gras looks greener.
  • Medium Code.
    • WordPress, Squarespace, etc. You will probably have to configure or code some things and copy paste stuff from stackexchange and hope it works
  • #nocode.
    • A mythical :unicorn: where you just do your thing and don’t stress about life under the hood.
    • #Nocode sounds expensive but with the right tools like it doesn’t have to be.

      Website Types:

  • Multi-page: You have all the pages and plan to have even more pages. Both of us have sites like this. Where we have all the data. Now you just gotta up keep the thing.
  • One-page: You are a genius among mortals and like to keep it simple. You know that one page can have multiple elements.

Show and Tell Portion of the show

  1. Buy a domain name via
  2. Setup
  3. Connect them together

Buy a domain name

  • There are lots of companies that will sell you a domain name. I like a lot.
    • Their customer service has always been quick and responsive for me. They actually read and reply to tweets and emails.
    • They have had my back.
    • Affordable
    • easy to use
    • only thing I don’t like is privacy isn’t included in the price but an extra add-on
    • again lots of domain resellers like,, but is mine.
      Domain options
    • Classics
      • .com, .net, .org
    • Country Codes
      • .af, .co, .fm, .in, .us, .tv
    • New gTLDs
      • .cool, .coffee, .expert, .style

Hosting your new awesome site.

Again one page website

  • offers two levels
  • Pro Lite: $9 a year. up to 3 sites. Subdomains only but there are unbranded subdomains like and
  • Pro Standard: $20 a year up to 10 sites and custom domains are incldued Today I will be using pro standard in my presentation


  • pick a template. If you don’t like those defaults you can of course DIY or visit
  • add your information
  • for academics: host your CV on Google Docs, or some other online service.
  • One thing I have learned from coding is keep your code DRY
    • Don’t :claps: Repeat :claps: yourself :claps:
    • Academics we are terrible at this 19 versions of your CV, putting it online as a PDF and its out of date by the time it goes up
    • Make it easy to update. Keep once nice copy in a lovely online doc tool site. Now you only have to update it in once place and people can view it easily on whatever a device
    • seriously PDFs are terrible. Especially on phones. UGH the worst.
    • Give us a responsive document
  • I could make a lovely interactive and visual CV here. Instead I will link to the CV
  • now lets publish
  • you can visit the site at
  • done


We talked about

  1. Why you should have a Website
  2. Why you should embrace #nocode for so many things. I love the low barrier of entry and how Carrd helps open the web back up for so many types of things
  3. We bought a domain name from
  4. We setup
  5. We left a tip?

Thank you to Garmondyu for being such a wonderful host and having me on the Gladden Podcast which hopefully one day soon will have its own domain name and landing page possibly even with

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